Our open borders represent a threat to our national security, as well as the physical and financial well-being of our citizens. We must finish the border wall and enforce our immigration laws. Many Americans, myself included, support responsible immigration policies that welcome legal immigrants who enter our country the right way with an intent to work hard, embrace American values, and provide a better life for their families. But there is no place in our country for illegal aliens who trespass in order to collect taxpayer-funded benefits, free medical care, etc. Our open borders are currently allowing for a deadly flow of criminal activity, including the smuggling of deadly drugs such as Fentanyl. We must secure the border, stop the flow of crime and drugs, end the welfare state for those here illegally, and only allow in those whose presence will add to our nation's well-being and growth. That is an America First solution that should be enacted immediately!
The integrity of our elections is an increasingly urgent challenge facing much of our country. Jurisdiction over our elections belongs at the state and county level, but I believe I can be a force for positive reform as congressman. We deserve a system that provides transparency, accuracy, and efficiency. Paper ballots, a proper audit trail, and a counting process that inspires confidence and restores public trust.
As a longtime supporter of a Balanced Budget Amendment, I am not surprised that decades of runaway spending have left our country on the brink of economic disaster. We have printed trillions of dollars and dumped them into the global economy, creating an inflation monster that erodes our savings and shrinks the buying power of our paychecks. All of this fiscal mismanagement is also driving interest rates up, making smaller auto loans prohibitively expensive, and larger home loans impossible for too many Californians. I will work to balance the budget, bringing down interest rates, and curb inflation, so that we may restore the buying power of the American dollar.
I have supported President Trump in all of his elections. He has put Americans first and taken steps to make our nation safer and more prosperous. I respect his willingness to fight for all Americans and to sacrifice so much to do what is right for America. I stand with President Trump and will support his agenda.
"Bidenomics" is a proven disaster. The "Build Back Better" plan has failed, and the Inflation Reduction Act was a fraud. Turning our economy and country around means undoing all of the damage that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have done. Their policies have our country headed into a recession, and their incompetence has Californians missing former-president Jimmy Carter! I believe in limited government, fiscal responsibility, reducing regulations that strangle jobs, and energy independence to fuel a surge in job creation and economic growth.
My dedication to eradicating socialism was borne during the time I spent in the United States Army serving in regions that were governed by socialists. The poverty in those regions was an inevitable outcome of an ideology that values government over people, targets liberty, religion, and individual rights, and ingrains corruption into every level of society. Today's Democratic Party seems controlled by a new radical element that embraces and celebrates socialism, which is why the left wants so badly to control and regulate the media, banking, education, commerce, and our housing and healthcare. From Reagan to Trump, patriotic Americans have long recognized communists and socialists as the enemy of our constitutional republic, and we need to remain engaged in this fight until it is won once and for all.
I support Term Limits for members of Congress. Being elected to office should be a privilege, not a career, which is why I support a term limits amendment to the United States Constitution. Capable Americans should get elected to office, serve for a period of time, then return home to live under the laws they have successfully passed, which is pretty much the opposite of how things are today. I say, "No more career politicians, no more insider trading, and no more putting the needs of your district and country second! It is time to Term Limit Congress!"
The Second Amendment is clear, and like all of our God-given rights, it is worthy of our protection. Keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill are goals that everyone can agree on, but I will never allow the left to restrict the rights of law-abiding Americans to protect themselves and their families.
As a matter of conscience, I believe life begins at conception and we have a responsibility to the unborn to protect their right to life. As a father, I believe that we must continue to protect and cherish life from its beginning to its natural end, and I will always work to help those who are vulnerable to life's challenges.
Prescription drug prices must be reduced. I support the “Most Favored Nations” Clause because it requires prescription medicine manufacturers to sell to U.S. pharmacies at the best price offered to any other modernized nation. Transparency in hospital and practitioner billing would encourage competition resulting in lower medicine prices. Today, you do not receive billing statements from your pharmacy because they utilize “online adjudication” to bill your insurance. We deserve to know the cost of a service before engaging. Fraud, waste and abuse are costing the U.S. millions of dollars in healthcare expenses. We must renew our efforts to eliminate wasteful activities.
Sincerely yours,